Ah, the timeless question. Especially in the middle of my lesson.
It never fails that my 8th graders have somewhere to be (or so they think). The 2012-2013 school year will bring about changes in the standards and changes in my schedule. The new Superintendent has taken us back to old-school 55-minute periods, which I love. My students, however, will have to transition into quicker class changes, as they are a block-scheduling generation. We are also participating under the PBIS model, so I'm trying to find crafty ways to reinforce positive behaviors. Here's what I came up with for the "leaving class" issue.
Yes, it's a simple hall pass. Think bigger picture.
At the start of each quarter, I will provide each student with a sheet of 8 of these passes. ("But Parker, there are 9 weeks in a quarter!" Already thought about that, kids; just assume that I'll usually let you slide by with one.) The pass covers anywhere that could possibly need to be visited on an emergency basis - bathroom, library, office, coach (PE), art room, or a specific classroom. The student fills out the name/date/time info and I initial the destination info. Once the passes are gone, that's it. No refills during the quarter. This teaches the students to be frugal and to use the passes for true emergencies.
At the end of each quarter, students who have leftover passes could be rewarded. I plan to offer different incentives each quarter. Raffles are always popular; sometimes I get $5 Bojangles or McDonald's cards, sometimes I do coupon books of homework passes. I was thinking about offering "a point per pass" at the end of a quarter, so students could redeem the passes for extra credit on a test score or notebook assignment.
The possibilities are endless. We'll see how this influences traffic...in August!
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